PDF: "The Mandatory Meal Plan: In Support of Equality"
It's been a while, I know. In fact, probably no one reads this anymore other than a select few. Either way, I have virtually no summer responsibilities remaining, so why not try my hand at another parody?
Moreover, I'm going to try to make at least one graphic a month. I figure that it's a good talent I don't use enough, so look for at least one more before the school year starts. The Wildcat is sure to come up with something worth mocking before then.
And as a note for the non-UA crowd, all of the edited logos are originated from actual university or corporate logos. Moreover, I actually made this in OpenOffice.org 1.1, and the color didn't come out quite right when I exported to PDF format. Either way, it's worth posting in a dorm room.
Special thanks to Chris Condon for the inspiration (Update: and LaShawn Barber for the encouragement.)
File: equality.pdf (238 KB, 1 page)
Related: Mandatory meal plan proposal indicates larger problem
Update III: The PDF is now featured on Right Wing Duck as part of the weekly Carnival of Comedy. Be sure to check out the rest